- 01793 200 175
- office@crowoodfs.co.uk
- Crowood House, Gipsy Lane, Swindon, SN2 8YY
Julie had recently gone through a divorce, and part of her settlement included receiving some of her ex-husband’s pensions.
Julie needed a pension adviser in Swindon, to help her understand what her options were regarding the pensions she was now entitled to.
She was passed my details from an Estate Planner, one of many local professionals who are happy to recommend us to their clients.
As with many people in her situation, Julie didn’t really have a clue where to begin and found pensions very confusing – she wanted someone to take care of everything for her, and give her one less thing to worry about.
After exploring her options, Julie needed to transfer the money from her ex-husband’s pensions into a pension plan in her own name.
We worked with Julie to recommend the right pension provider for her – as an independent pension adviser in Swindon, we are free to find the right solution for our clients.
We then worked with her new pension company to ensure the money she was entitled to was safely transferred into her new pension.
Our advice also covered how the money should be invested, after completing an assessment and thorough discussion around how she feels about investing money, as well as her longer term retirement objectives – when did she want to retire, and how much income would she need?
We also ensured that should Julie die before reaching retirement, that her pension fund would be paid out to her children.
We work with Julie on an ongoing basis, to ensure her pension investments remain suitable and to help her keep on track to get the income she’ll need when she does stop working.
Pensions are a long term investment. You may get back less than you put in.
Pensions are subject to tax and regulatory change; therefore, the tax treatment of pension benefits may change in the future.